
All Finnish newspapers 1771-1890

The Finnish National Library now offers in digital format all newspapers published in Finland between the years 1771 and 1890, free of charge. The archive is even searchable - the search feature appears to have some problems, but you should be able to work around the issues. Browsing by name of newspaper and date works, too, if you know what you're looking for.

I searched for my surname and have spent the last 30 minutes reading about criminal ancestors: a couple running a brothel in Mikkeli, or at least offering lodging to women of loose morals; a Kurkijoki man who committed suicide by shooting himself in the gut after getting mixed up in the disappearance of a drunken ex-soldier; a skilled artisan - blacksmith, carpenter, stonemason, and watchmaker - from Rautalammi who kept getting arrested for theft... Great stuff.


Aapo said...

Bloody hell how many articles you get if you search with 'puukko' or 'puukolla'...

I was also reading some news concerning my homeplace. Keski-Suomi 24.9.1987 has first a small piece on Turko-Russo-Bulgarian relations (under the "Ulkomaalta" section) and then an important announcement that the road between Sumiainen and Konginkangas is finally to be constructed so local men are fucking better to show up, and preferably en masse.

As a final reminder:

Muistutetaan, että joka miehellä pitää olla kirwes, lapio ja rautaseiwäs mukana ja että työ aloitetaan Hietapurolta Sumiaisista josta kunkin tulee itsensä kello wiisi aamulla huudettaessa ilmoittaa.

This one means business, too:

Kaikki ne, jotka tietäwät olewansa welkaa kauppias Antti Pylkkäselle, Jywäskylän kaupungista, käykööt kolmen kuukauden kuluesja tästä päiwästä lukien joukiolla maksamaan welkansa kauppias Mikko Paulin'in luona, jos haluavat wälttää riitoja ja lainhakua. Jywäskylässä elokuun 22 p:nä 1987. - Uskotut miehet -

Aapo said...

And yeah, that date has a typo.

Ari said...

It's a damning indictment of the times in which we live that every man doesn't have an ax, a shovel, and an iron pole at his disposal.

PS: For a good time, do a search for "miikingi-puolue".